Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Travel Story-The Road From Cobano

© 2009 Donofrio
Montezuma, Costa Rica

The Road From Cobano...a travel story about the Nicoya Peninsula in western Costa Rica and the tiny coastal village of Mal Pais.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Are Some Wines So Expensive? And...Are They Worth It?

© 2010 Donofrio

"The taste is remembered long after the price has been forgotten."
-a wise sommelier/salesman

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Jersey Vineyards Covered With Snow

© 2010 Donofrio

Colts Neck, N.J.

A thick blanket of snow covered most N.J. vineyards as the Garden State Winegrowers Association hosted their annual "Wine and Chocolate Lover's Weekend" on Feb. 13 and 14. Hundreds of wine enthusiasts descended upon participating wineries across the state to taste new wines and boutique chocolates. Visitors to 4JG's Vineyards & Winery in Monmouth County enjoyed a serene, wintery view along the long driveway to the tasting room.

With more snow than most in recent memory, this winter will test N.J. grape vines against the harsh, northeast elements. Vitis vinifera, the supreme wine grape species, has European origins and is sometimes thought to be particularly vulnerable in the severe cold...More on that soon...


More Photos of 4JG's

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jambalaya...and Go Saints!

According to Merriam-Webster...


Main Entry: jam·ba·laya
Pronunciation: \ˌjəm-bə-ˈlī-ə\
Function: noun
Etymology: Louisiana French, from Occitan jambalaia
Date: 1872
1 : rice cooked usually with ham, sausage, chicken, shrimp, or oysters and seasoned with herbs 2 : a mixture of diverse elements

I will use the "Jambalaya" category in this blog to post random thoughts, half-baked ideas, short stories and photo essays that may not have a drop to do about wine...Bon Appetit!

Speaking of jambalaya, today is also a landmark day in the history of Louisiana and its festive, iconic port of New Orleans. Super Bowl XLIV, scheduled to begin at 6:28 p.m. tonight, will pit the New Orleans Saints against the Indianapolis Colts.

Looking back to 2005, after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, displaced thousands of residents, and even attacked the Superdome, who could have predicted that the Saints would become the embattled city's greatest unifying force?

Although several hours before kickoff most still see a Saint's victory as unlikely, who among us can really harbor any ill-will against this team and their city filled with hopes and dreams of the impossible? A win for the Saints tonight could be the paramount event on New Orlean's road to social and psychological recovery. On the other hand, even a loss should be cause to rejoice; sometimes God shows his best vision through the martyrdom of his Saints...


Friday, February 5, 2010

Coming Soon...

© 2010 Donofrio

Welcome to Domaine Donovino. Between now and March 1, I will be writing, photographing and uploading new content for the official launch of this blog and Please check back soon for wine reviews, restaurant reviews, BYO restaurants, wine photography, interviews, and more...

In Vino Veritas!

Craig Donofrio